ISBN: 9780470171615
Número de Páginas: 671
Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money provides a balanced introduction to the operation, mechanics, and structure of the U.S. financial system emphasizing its institutions, markets, and financial instruments.
The authors stress the mastery of fundamental material, placing an emphasis on how things really work in a market context.
The book has balanced coverage of the U.S. financial system with a strong emphasis on both institutions and markets.Special attention is given to the Federal Reserve System and its conduct of monetary policy.
The authors also stress the risks that the financial institutions face (i.e. interest rate risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, foreign exchange risk) and how they can manage those risks in financial markets.
Furthermore, the authors recognize the impact that technology and globalization have on the operations and structure of the financial system.
The book is also written with a strong historical perspective with attention given to the historical development of financial institutions and markets with discussion of important historical events.
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